"There are periods when I feel scared. I feel I am an easy prey. My movements have become limited. I am afraid to go public places that I used visit in Tripoli to avoid any trouble. I am aware that everything could happen with the proliferation of weapons, chaos and incitement", This is how Souad Salem began to talk about the reality of Libyan women. She is a well-known journalist and a poet who produced several collections of poetry.
Libya is an example of countries affected by political conflicts. The conflicts adversely impact on its economy, specifically on its growth rate. They also affect administration which is today characterised by anarchy. And the armed conflict between warring parties does not let hope for improvement of the situation.
Dune Voices is a project of the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) that specialises in providing reliable, in depth, well investigated feature stories from the Sahara, covering topics such as conflict, security, women, youth, ethnic and religious minorities, as well many other issues, that give a voice to marginalised groups and ordinary people inhabiting the Sahara region, and often forgotten by the mainstream media. Visit media-diversity.org